Church Family Moment for June 23, 2024
June 17, 2024Faces of Faith: Caroline Guy and Haley Davis
June 19, 2024Crews Install New HVAC Unit in Commons
Crews installed a new HVAC unit in the Commons on Wednesday and Thursday last week. The new unit replaces just one of about 25 aging HVAC units on campus. We want to thank all who have donated to the SMPC Operating Fund – this installation is your donation hard at work! Thank you!
It Sure is Nice to have Ice!
It’s not just the new HVAC keeping things cool around here, we’ve got a new ice maker in the kitchenette area in the Commons!
Shelter Ministry Pours Love into Every Bottle for Roof Above
The Shelter Ministry poured, labeled and packaged 914 prescription bottles with body wash for our neighbors at Roof Above last Thursday, June 13! Thank you to all who donated their time (and Rx bottles and body wash!) to this important ministry.
Take a moment and think about how good it feels to get a nice, long shower after a day spent outside in the Charlotte summer humidity. Roof Above has about 33 people a day shower at their facility, and each neighbor gets around 20 minutes in the shower. They come out to clean, fresh laundry. The prescription bottles that Shelter Ministry fills with body wash enables more than 200 people a week to feel that spark of happiness after a long shower!
The Shelter Ministry meets next on Thursday, July 11 at 9:00 a.m. in Mecklenburg Hall. All are welcome! This is an excellent service opportunity for families, too.
Columbarium Comes to Life
Installation of the columbarium began last week, and crews have already made major progress this week. We hope you have an opportunity to stop by and see it when you’re here on Sunday or during the week! For more information on the columbarium, go to the Columbarium page on our website.
Sunday Worshipers Welcome First Summer Organ Sidekick (SOS) of the Season
We had our first Summer Organ Sidekick (SOS) of the season during worship on Sunday! If your child is interested in joining Director of Music and Organist Zach Bowyer at the organ during worship, don’t wait to sign up. There are just a couple of spots open! Sign up here.
Sippin’ Our Way Through Summer
We had an awesome mother-daughter duo on lemonade crew on Father’s Day! Thank you to Kara, Caroline and Natalie Guy. If you are ever interested in joining this fun ministry (under Hospitality Ministry), please contact Terry Gaines. And, a HUGE thank you to Steve Stevenson for faithfully setting up a tent every Sunday to make mingling more pleasant during the summer months.
SMPC Youth Meet for Sweet Treat
Members of SMPC Youth met at Amelie’s on Monday night for sweets and a devotional. Thank you to all who joined us and thank you to Associate Pastor of Youth and Missions/Outreach Lindsey Odom for keeping the youth engaged during the summer! All youth ages rising 6th grade through graduated 12th grade are invited to join in on any youth activities this summer! Check out the Youth page on our website for more.
Faces of Faith: Caroline Guy and Haley Davis
Two of our high school youth, Caroline Guy (pictured on left) and Haley Davis, are serving as advocates for the Massanetta Springs Middle School Conferences during June. We are so proud of them and their heart to serve. In case you don’t know, advocates are high school leaders who empower the faith of middle schoolers during each conference as they design and lead keynotes, small group time, workshops, recreation, and worship.
We are so excited to see Caroline and Haley serving as advocates and leading our middle schoolers during Week 1 and Week 2 of middle school conference. Major bonus: They will be serving as advocates when SMPC middle schoolers are at Massanetta June 25-28 (next week!).
Even with their busy schedules, these inspiring young women were kind enough to be interviewed for Faces of Faith. Enjoy getting to know them!
Caroline Guy (left) and Haley Davis are advocates at Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference this summer
Names: Caroline Guy and Haley Davis
Ages and Grades: Caroline is 16 and Haley is 15. Both are rising juniors in high school.
Families: Caroline is the daughter of Kara and Curtis Guy and has one sister, Natalie. Haley is the daughter of Denise and Mitchell Davis and has one sister, Dylan.
What are you most looking forward to about being an advocate at Massanetta this summer?
Caroline: I am mostly looking forward to all of the friends and memories I will be making. Also I am excited for the energizers (the dances we do to get everyone pumped up!)!
Haley: To meet new people and become closer with God and bringing other people closer to God, as well.
How has being a part of SMPC Youth shaped your faith journey?
Caroline: Being a part of SMPC Youth has shaped my faith journey by experiencing God’s love through others. My friends and leaders have showed me what it’s like to experience this which draws me closer to God.
Haley: I have actually wanted to become closer with God and learn about God and Jesus and what they have done for us. I feel so much more connected with God since joining the youth group and feel inspired to teach others!
What is your advice for rising 6th graders who are just now joining our youth program or are curious about joining it?
Caroline: My advice would be to keep showing up to youth group because over time it will be a lot more fun than expected. Also, to not be afraid to go because it is always so welcoming, and everyone is super friendly.
Haley: Go to as many events as you can! This is the best way to meet new people and become friends with others! It may seem scary at first but there are so many other kids in the same position as you.