Sunday Morning Service Opportunities
In addition to assisting worshipers with finding a seat, our ushers help visitors navigate our campus, answer any questions they may have, and receive the offering during the worship service.
Lemonade on the Lawn
Lemonade and cookies are available on Sundays after the 10:10 a.m. worship service. Join this team that prepares sweet fellowship opportunities for everyone!
Congregational Care & Support
Baby Ministry
When someone is expecting or adopting a child, a team organizes and delivers meals, installs an announcement sign, and more!
Bereavement Team
A team provides receptions following memorial services and funerals, including set-up, clean-up, beverages, and food.
Care Mail Team
Cards of encouragement are sent to members during illness or crisis.
Meals Ministry
A team of SMPC volunteers offers support by providing a meal for families experiencing a death in the family, hospitalization, or other crisis.
Prayer Chain
Our prayer chain consists of SMPC members who pray faithfully and confidentially for others' requests.
Prayer Shawls
Prayer shawls are made by church members and distributed to members as needed in times of illness or crisis.
Transportation Ministry
SMPC has a team of volunteer drivers ready to serve by providing transportation to worship or other church activities or to doctor's appointments or to the grocery store.