Church Family Moment for Sunday, June 9, 2024
June 5, 2024Faces of Faith: Kevin Estes
June 11, 2024By Director of Spiritual Formation Rebecca Guzman
- Watch the story here. Were you surprised by anything you saw??
- In our story today, we hear that “God looks on the heart.” Remember that a lot of the most important things about us are invisible, like our kindness, courage, helpfulness, faithfulness, etc. Think of someone who is close to you and what one of the best things about them is. Draw a card for them thanking them for being who they are.
- Make a people collage. Include people of all kinds and types, shapes and sizes. Glue to a piece of construction paper and then cut out a large red heart and tape over the top of the completed collage. Write on the heart, “God looks on the heart.”
- Journal, considering the following:
- How do you think Samuel felt when each son was brought out to him?
- Do you think David felt just as surprised as everyone else?
- Why do you think God chose David?
- What does God see when looking at you?