Seen Around Church: Week of November 3, 2024
November 5, 2024Seen Around Church: Week of November 10, 2024
November 13, 2024By Director of Spiritual Formation Rebecca Guzman
- Watch this video of the story. What do you notice?
- Today’s story is about a coin! Or two coins, really. Get a coin out and play some games with it. Here are some ideas about what to play!
- In the story, a widow gives two coins, which is all she has. This woman is ALL IN for Jesus. Do the Hokey Pokey. When you get to the end and put your “whole self in,” add the words, “for Jesus!”
- Print out this page and color it. While you color, think about what it might mean to be a “Cheerful Giver.”
- Journal, considering the following:
- What are the “scribes” doing?
- I wonder why Jesus says that is not good.
- What does Jesus notice about the poor widow?
- Why do you think Jesus told this story?