Seen Around Church – Week of September 17, 2023
September 20, 2023What Does It Mean To Be Presbyterian?
September 27, 2023Food for Thought Book Group Takes the Cake
The Food for Thought Book Group met last Thursday, September 21, to discuss the book The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb. They also celebrated September birthdays with a delicious strawberry cake made by group leader Kathy Paquette. This group is one to join if you love sweets and reading – they also enjoyed a special cake last month brought by Jerrie Olson! The Food for Thought Book Group is open to anyone. They’ll meet again on Thursday, October 19 in the McQueen Room at 12:30 p.m. to discuss Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt.
Scouts Prep and Cook the World’s Best BBQ and Veggie Chili
Scout Troops 119 and 219 were onsite for several days last week prepping, cooking and packaging the world’s best BBQ and veggie chili. If you’ve never seen it before, it’s quite an operation! They truly live out the Scout motto, Be Prepared. The Scouts are meticulous with details and have the process down to a science. We’re convinced it’s the time, labor and LOVE that go into each pint of BBQ and chili that make it the world’s best. If you haven’t stopped by to grab your BBQ or veggie chili, please come by the church office, Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
High School Youth Called to be the ‘Salt and Light’ at Fall Beach Retreat
Our high school youth had an amazing time on their retreat to North Myrtle Beach. The group played on the beach, served at a local shelter, studied Scripture and grew closer to God and one another.
The theme was “Salt & Light” from Matthew 5:13-16. The youth learned about what it means to live into our call as the salt and light of our world so that we can more fully embody Christ’s love and make an influence within our world today by preserving healthy relationships, working to establish peace, repairing the brokenness within our community, and reflecting God’s merciful and just ways.
Thank you to our retreat chaperones, David Bartholomew, Jeff Brockman and Sheila McAnally for their leadership and love for our high schoolers. And thank you to all the parents for their donations of snacks, sweet treats, and other items!
May the youth live into their call to be salt and light and enter the places where our world needs salt and light the most and influence it by working together to create justice and love for all so that it results in transformed lives for all God’s people!
SMPC Celebrates Scout Sunday
What a joy it was to celebrate Scout Sunday on September 24! We are so blessed to have active troops at SMPC who continue to be an example of true honor and integrity in our world.
In other Scout news, Troop 119 assistant scoutmaster Dr. Bradley Davis was presented with the BSA Heroism Award on Monday, September 25 at the troop’s semi-annual Court of Honor. Joel Moser, Mecklenburg County Council Advancement Chair, presented the award to Dr. Davis for his swift action in February 2023. Here’s more from an article in Scout Magazine:
In February 2023, Bradley Davis was picking up his son from the first track practice of the year when he noticed a group of people gathered around a figure on the track. He asked someone nearby what was happening, and the person told him they needed a doctor.
They were in luck. Davis is a physician. However, the skills he put to use on that day were no greater than what any person can learn from taking a CPR class.
Davis ran to the scene of the incident and found a young boy unconscious on the ground. As often happens in these situations, multiple people were standing around with no idea what to do.
Davis checked the boy for a pulse and, after finding none, began CPR.
After five cycles of compressions, the boy began breathing.
Paramedics arrived minutes later and loaded the boy onto a stretcher — then his heart stopped again. The paramedics were able to revive him and take him to the hospital. He eventually recovered.
Davis, an assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 119 in the Mecklenburg County Council in North Carolina, received a BSA Heroism Award for his actions.
Congratulations to Dr. Davis!
Sunday’s Baptism: A Family Affair
We joyfully celebrated the baptism of the son of SMPC members Daniela and Jon Rhodes and grandson of SMPC members Miranda and Doug Rhodes on Sunday!