Seen Around Church – Week of October 29, 2023
October 31, 2023Find the Perfect Gift at the Alternative Gift Market
November 9, 2023Volunteers at the American Red Cross Blood Drive Collect Over 25 Pints of Blood
Thank you to all who came out for the SMPC American Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, November 4. We collected 26 pints of blood. Stay tuned for 2024 blood drive dates! A HUGE thank you goes out to coordinator Tierra Sandeen who has faithfully served this ministry for years. She is passing the torch to SMPC member Bill Ramsey as we head into the new year. We are so grateful to both Tierra and Bill for serving our church and community!
SMPC Celebrates Commitment Sunday
This past Sunday, we celebrated Commitment Sunday for our 2024 Operating Fund Campaign, Everything Good. We are currently at 81.6% of our campaign goal – this is a great start! Thank you to the 213 families who have already made a financial commitment for 2024. If you have not had a chance to make a pledge, you can make one online below or contact Mary Katheryne Zagora.
SMPC’s Furry Friends Get Special Blessing
Paws up for our first annual Blessing of the Animals! We loved seeing all of our four-legged furry friends Sunday afternoon and pray that God will continue to bless our precious pets! Thank you to Rev. Lindsey Odom for making this special service happen at SMPC!
Troop 119 Member Revamps SMPC Outdoor Worship Area for Eagle Scout Project
Thank you to Gavin M. and Scouts Troop 119 for revamping our outdoor worship area! Gavin chose this project for his Eagle Scout project, and we are so thankful!
SMPC Youth and Preschool Collect over 2000 Pounds of Food for Loaves and Fishes
SMPC Youth and SMPC Preschool collected over 2000 lbs of food during the Loaves and Fishes Food Drive last month! The youth collected 2061 lbs and the preschool collected 240 lbs. Several youth members came to the church on Monday (a day off of school for many!) to load the Loaves and Fishes truck.
Wow! Thank you to all who donated!